

Hungary – Refugees Crossing the Country’s Infamous Razor Wire Border Fence

July, 2022 · By Bela Szandelszky Video Journalist & Photographer

As refugees entering Hungary has reached new heights the country’s right-wing government built a razor wire fence on the Serbian border to stop them.

Mediterranean Sea / Italy – Escaping Libya

July, 2022 · By Bela Szandelszky Video Journalist & Photographer

Syria – Aleppo’s Shifa Hospital

December, 2015 · By Bela Szandelszky Video Journalist & Photographer

Syria – Bomb Makers

December, 2015 · By Bela Szandelszky Video Journalist & Photographer

Jordan – Syrian Refugees Crossing the Desert

December, 2015 · By Bela Szandelszky Video Journalist & Photographer

Syria refugee winter

July, 2014 · By Bela Szandelszky Video Journalist & Photographer

Video Portfolio

July, 2014 · By Bela Szandelszky Video Journalist & Photographer

Serbia Hungary Migrants Pushback<span>Many migrants from Syria, Afghanistan and other countries have reported abuse by police while making dozens of attempts to cross from Serbia into Hungary directly or via Romania. Most report about authorities apprehending and returning them back to Serbia.</span>
Hungary – Refugees Crossing the Country’s Infamous Razor Wire Border Fence<span></span>
Mediterranean Sea / Italy – Escaping Libya <span>Refugees and migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea to Italy reporting an endless cycle of abuse, violence and exploitation in Libya. Most are fleeing poverty and conflict in sub-Saharan Africa. </span>
Bangladesh – Portrait of a Landslide Expert Helping Rohingyas <span>Marina Drazba, a UNHCR Shelter Officer, is working to mitigate the effects of landslide on the refugee settlements of Cox’s Bazar, home of 700,000 Rohingya refugees.</span>
Turkey – Life of Syrian Refugees<span>Hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria have found shelter in Turkey. Most of them live precariously in urban areas like the southern city of Urfa. Abdul Rahman is one of them. Before fleeing Syria, he had been a prize-winning university athlete. In Turkey he found work, then lost it. Now he returns home from another fruitless day of searching. His family, and many other Syrians in Urfa, fear the winter, and dream of home. </span>
UK – Halloumi Cheese Production Brings Success for Refugee<span>Originally from Damascus, Razan Elsous fled the war in Syria, resettling in West Yorkshire. Razan became a successful businesswoman managing the first halloumi cheese production company in Yorkshire.</span>
Serbia – Refugee Finds Love in Belgrade<span>In Serbia, a Syrian refugee has found work, shelter – and love.</span>
Spain – Fisherman Who Saved Lives<span>Spanish fisherman Pascual Durá rescued 12 refugees from the sea off the cost of Libya. Five months later, two of the refugees, Frank from Nigeria and Diop from Senegal, reunited with Pascual and the his crew.</span>
Libya – Purging the Past<span>Over 200 million women and girls across the world have been subjected to female genital mutilation. Aisha was 7 years old when she underwent the procedure in her native Ivory Coast. She fled to Europe with her youngest daughter to save her from being excised. But in Libya she was caught in a 9-month-long nightmare of repeated abuse.</span>
Hungary – Gypsy fortune teller<span>Hungary's last Gypsy fortune-teller fears that most of the Gypsy traditions are very much on the wane.</span>
Uganda – Struggle for Water<span>Water in northern Uganda, where hundreds of thousands of South Sudanese have sought refuge, is scarce. Trucking water from the River Nile is both costly and unsustainable.</span>
Iraq –  Angelina Jolie Visiting Families in Mosul<span>UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie visiting West Mosul and meting the displaced.</span>
Aleppo's Shifa Hospital<span>Months into the battle for Syria's second largest city, civilians are still bearing the brunt of the fighting under a daily assault of helicopter gunships, roaring jets and gunmen and troops battling it out in the streets.</span>
Syria – Bomb Makers<span>Abu Moawiya, a local rebel battalion commander, spends much of his time with his men working on dangerous jobs, making homemade bombs by stuffing explosives into metal pipes, which are widely used against tanks, armored personal carriers and against Syrian government troops.</span>
Iraq –  Khaled Hosseini Meeting Syrian refugees<span>UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Khaled Hosseini, a former refugee from Afghanistan, meeting Syrian refugees in Northern Iraq. The best-selling novelist talked to many of the refugees, including an aspiring young writer.</span>
Displaced Iraqi Yazidi families find shelter in Dohuk after their Sinjar mountain tragedy<span>There are more 1.2 million Iraqis displaced due to the fighting in their country, each family has a harrowing story to tell. </span>
Jordan – The Story of Fatima<span></span>
Jordan – Syrian Refugees Crossing the Desert<span>Some Syrian refugees arriving to Jordan had to walk days in the desert before crossing at the remote Ruweyshid area of the North Eastern Jordanian desert.</span>
Syria refugee winter<span>The most basic items are either missing or in short supply in the tented refugee settlement near the Syrian village of Atmeh. The camp is sheltering 12,000 people, some of the hundreds of thousands of Syrians uprooted by the country's brutal civil war who are losing the race against winter.  The displaced in the camp fled their homes with just the clothes on their backs, trying to escape intensifying bombing raids by the Syrian air force. With winter rains getting heavier and temperatures dropping to near freezing at night, they're now stuck near the border with Turkey in an increasingly dire situation.</span>



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